Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"You Could Ruin This" and other lies

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13 

Scary white rectangles 
Lately I have enjoyed making canvas paintings as gifts for friends and loved ones. Without question, the most daunting part of the process is gazing upon the initially blank white canvas. My mind is bursting with a vision of what I desire my trusty brush and colorful paints to create with that rectangle of possibility, but my heart simultaneously gurgles with dread over what a slip of my hand on what should be a steady line or an unexpected splatter of paint could do to my carefully made plan. I could ruin this painting. What I envision being an artistic combination of words, shapes, and emotion to hang on a friend's wall with pride could become an item not even finished and stuffed in a black plastic bag to be left by the road on trash day. It's not even the wasted money that would bother me most, though as someone who makes a whole-hearted attempt to be thrifty that would be a factor. The failure, that's what would sting. Trying and not succeeding. Visualizing an accomplishment and reality smashing that vision to bits. That fear keeps the canvas blank sometimes.

"You could ruin this" 
Isn't that the way we often are when God calls us to a new task for His Kingdom? When He urges us to witness to a friend. When He commands that we drop a bad habit that we cling to like a worn out, smelly security blanket. When He gives instruction to step up into an area of ministry. When He issues a call that looks like a hand grenade to our comfort zone. Oh, we're equipped to handle it. God never asks anything of us that He has not placed within us to give (see Hebrews 13:20-21). He provides the vision, the canvas, the paint, the brush, and even His hand to guide our own, BUT He will not paint the picture for us. Our Lord desires willing servants, not robots programmed to perform without choice or emotion. Could He have created us that way? My highly sophisticated answer to that question is: duh! Of course He could've; He's GOD. If He willed it so, we could all be blue people with one leg and three eyes. I'm personally thankful that He did not make that choice, nor the choice to enslave His children with no will of their own. That He loved us enough to let us choose Him and His will. I don't know about you, but no matter how much I desire to please our God and do His will to the best of my ability through His strength, the sight of Him placing a blank canvas within my heart still scares me motionless (if only temporarily) at times. Even though I'm blissfully aware of the verse that provides the truth that God is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians 3:20), I still hear Satan's seductive whisper masquerading as a reality check as I pick up my proverbial paint brush. "You could ruin this."
"You could ruin this friendship and the reputation of every Christian by trying to witness when you have no clue how to do so. Someone else will do it, someone better." 
"You could ruin this comfort you have going by trying to get rid of this habit. It's not really that bad of a habit anyway. It makes you feel good, doesn't it?" 
"You could ruin this ministry by taking part in it. You're not knowledgable enough, not holy enough, not trained enough, not popular enough, not good enough."
"You could ruin it all. Better safe than sorry. Best to stay where you are and not rock the boat."

Liar, Liar 
Sound familiar? Oh, the devil's a professional liar. He's an expert in his field. Knows all the tricks of the trade and uses them to his full advantage. Partial truths...he plays on them. Painful fears...he exploits them. No wonder the Bible refers to him as "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). The fact is that you and I CAN truly mess up a lot...if we attempt it on our own with no guidance by, inspiration from, and strength and wisdom through the Lord God Almighty. Even then, nothing is beyond His redemption, but that's not the case at hand. We're referring to the blank canvases that are handwritten invitations from God to do His bidding. Invitations addressed to us, His children, engraved with His power and anointing, stamped with His seal of approval, and sealed with His promise: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). Don't miss the "all" and the "through Christ" in that promise; those phrases are key in declining the devil's handwritten invitation to attend a pity party with some of his best friends: But-I-Might, But-I-Can't, and But-I-Won't. You don't want to hang out with those guys. Their names are weirder than most celebrity baby names, and they are serious downers. You and I are better off admitting to God that the blank canvas terrifies us (He's already aware anyway; it's that whole all-knowing thing He has going on), claiming Philippians 4:13 in the name of Jesus, and using that paint for what it was made to do. So what if you miss a stroke or splatter a little paint? That mistake just might turn out to be part of God's masterpiece. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the "blank canvases" in life, those handwritten invitations to do Your work, help grow Your kingdom, shine Your light into this dark world. Thank You that even though it can be intimidating, scary, and way out of our comfort zones, we never face one bit of it alone. You are always with us and within us...equipping us, strengthening us, guiding us, comforting us, and ultimately blessing us for our obedience to You. Help us to remember that even if there were no heavenly or earthly reward for following You and doing Your will, it is an honor and privilege to serve the God who created us, loved us, and therefore redeemed us through the blood of the Lamb. Enable us to see Satan's deceit for what it is and to combat his lies with Your truth. We want to paint works of art for You and with You, oh Lord. Help us, we pray. In Jesus's name, Amen! 


  1. Your ministry of words & prayer warrior & sign language & the most spiritually thoughtful birthday gifts EVER is just the tip of the iceburg to what God is doing thru you. Thank you for standing strong behind me in this blank canvas of ministry that scares me to death sometimes too!

    1. Kristie, you are a God-made, God-called, God-anointed "artist", and it is my honor to be your friend, your prayer warrior, an angel by your side, to support you in any way I can. God has placed different blank canvases in your life, and I love watching the two of you in the process of painting masterpieces together. Thank you so much for your kind words; love you lots! :)
