"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him." -James 1:12 (ESV)
Project Queen...
When I was in school, I was the nerd excited to shop for new school supplies. Crisp, unblemished notebook paper, pens that still had lids that would soon be lost, folders in a rainbow of colors, I loved it all. My backpack was stocked and ready to go long before the first day of school arrived. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was eager to learn everything that I possibly could about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Books were purchased, websites perused, advice sought. Though I do not regret at all preparing the best I could in both of these instances, I soon discovered each time that school and pregnancy are not neat, quick projects like organizing a junk drawer or redoing a closet. They were ongoing processes that required constant learning, reevaluating ideas, patience, and perseverance when the "newness" of it all faded.
From pens to problems...
Herein is my primary struggle in spiritual growth. Just watch me devise a schedule for Bible reading, purchase a new book on the area I need help in most (trust me, there are many problem areas I could choose from), stock up on pens, paper, and highlighters for study, download my Christian music on iTunes, and get ready for God to rock my world. At that point, I am like, "Hey, God, we are good to go. We've got this."
Then comes the hard part for me. Kind of like October in school when homework, studying, tests, and projects kicked in like a spur into a horse, and this horse was longing for Christmas break...or better yet, summer break to appear. Or like twenty-five weeks into my pregnancy when the "We're having a baby!" and the "We're having a girl!" thrills faded into, "We have a looooong time to go before this baby girl arrives." I am all for partnering with God in the change and growth process necessary for every Christian in life, but my faith and determination are truly tested when messy, "unplannable" (yes, I like to make up words) reality stomps all over my clean, organized schedule.
Lessons from the University of Hard Knocks...
"Patience, God? You want to work on that with me? Sure, let me go buy a book on that topic. After I read the book, highlight the portions that would get an 'Amen' or two in church, and post a few sentences from it on Facebook, I'll be cured of impatience, right?" Ha! I wish. More accurate would be, "Yes, child. Let's work on patience. That molasses-slow driver, whiny toddler, dead cell phone battery, snippy cashier, and bright blue ink stain on the shirt you plan to wear today are your first lesson. I will be here for you to lean on and will supply every ounce of patience you need to endure it all, if you seek to receive it. Ready for class to begin?" Honestly, I laugh to myself typing that, but let me tell you, when all that and more piles on, as we say in the South, it ain't a bit funny, y'all!
Bible reading is a must. Reading godly books written by trustworthy, in-the-Word authors are a tremendous help to me. Christian music ministers to my heart in a major way. However, what I do with all the knowledge that I have gleaned from those sources in combination with instruction from the Holy Spirit when classes are in session at the "University of Hard Knocks" and how many times I allow God to pick me up and place me back in my proverbial desk for another lesson is what makes or breaks my progress with God.
The good news!
Are you wondering when I get to the "firefighter saves kitten trapped in tree" kind of good news that we all long to hear? The answer is now. Yes, growth in God is tough, messy, and often painful, but it is worth it. Consider nursing school and basic training for the military. Neither are for the faint of heart; if you are going to make it through, you have to want it, want it bad, and be willing to put in the time, energy, and pain it takes to succeed. Why are those programs so demanding? They have to be, because those people will hold the power of life and death in their hands, and those who teach them need to make sure they are at the fit to handle that enormous responsibility. As Christians, the same concept applies. The difference is that nurses and military personnel deal with physical life and death (and thank God that they do), but as children of the Most High King, we carry the accountability of spreading the news of how our God offers eternal spiritual life to save the world from everlasting death and destruction in hell. We, too, must be challenged and tested to ensure that we are in the spiritual shape needed to serve our Savior and reach a lost world for Him.
The other part of the good news? Like the military, we have comrades fighting and learning right alongside us. We also have an Instructor, and though sometimes He has every right to be, He is no drill sergeant. He is strength, power, and perseverance. He is also mercy, grace, and love, love, love. He never gives up on His children. He never walks away. He never gives us a failing grade. As someone quite wittily once said, "You never fail the tests of God. You get to take them over...and over...and over....and over...and over..." Thank God for retests! :)
Lord, thank you for choosing us, loving us, and teaching us. God, we all know that growth in You is not always easy or pleasant, but remind us that it is always, always, always worth it. Help us to be heavenly minded and seek to see Your bigger plan rather than just our small, earthly ones. For me personally, enable me to stop viewing Your lessons as a project that I can control and accomplish neatly on my own. I pray that I would not back down or give up when life gets messy as it often does, but that I would trust in You to help me clean it up in Your way, in Your time, and in Your power. God, we are nothing on our own, but we are more than we could possibly imagine in You. Remind us of that daily, I pray, in Jesus's name, Amen!
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